National ICT Month (NIM) 2011
The theme of NIM 2011 is "Transcending into high values". Events during NIM 2011 include:
1. PIKOM Leadership Summit - Oct 18 & 19, targeted at CXOs of ICT companies, to share global ICT trends, and how they impact the ICT industry landscape.
2. SMART Sourcing Summit 2011 - Oct 19 & 20.
3. Business Success with ICT (BSI) Series, targeted at SMEs nationwide, to increase awareness of ICT and e-Commerce. This is PIKOM's major drive for SMEs to adopt both ICT and e-Commerce, and comprise 10 regional seminars with many speaker and solution showcase opportunities. BSI Series starts before the NIM month of May and stretch till year end to enable potential sponsors the reach into SMEs. Proposed partners are CIDB, SME Corp, MDeC and several SME-related associations.
4. PC Fair in 20 locations nationwide.
5. PIKOM ICT Strategic Review 2011/12 - a comprehensive research report.
6. Related events by several MOSTI agencies to extend participation to the Public Sector.
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